Computer America

Computer AmericaMarch 12, 2012

Dave discusses TypeStyler 11 with Craig Crossman on America's longest-running nationally syndicated radio talk show about computers and technology.

The Huffington Post

"The Long Haul" by Ken GrubermanMay 4, 2010

"The Tech Daddy has been doing private consultations, but I'm glad to be back... and I've got an inspiring tale of perseverance and loyalty to tell you. It's about brothers Dave and Ken Stillman and their brainchild TypeStyler..."


"Review - TypeStyler X" by Gary Coyne January 14, 2010

"For anyone who wants to play with type because it's fun, or if their job is to create artistic and creative designs that includes text, you'd be making a mistake to pass on TypeStyler. The new features are a pleasure to use..."

"TypeStyler X (10.6.47)" by Jay J. Nelson December 17, 2009

"First and foremost, TypeStyler lets you create impressive text effects. Nothing will freeze your creativity like staring at a blank page with hundreds of tool options. Thankfully, TypeStyler has dozens of pre-built styles that you can instantly apply..."

The Mac Observer

"The Return of TypeStyler" by Ted Landau October 9, 2009

"There isn't any Mac software, past or present, that can match TypeStyler 3. Probably the closest competitor is Art Text — an excellent program but not in the same league as TypeStyler... So let's give a warm welcome back to one of the Mac's finest programs..."


"Dave Stillman... The Story of the Return of TypeStyler"

"Dave Stillman of Strider Software tells the story of the struggle to bring TypeStyler back to market, why it took so long, and why it is better than ever... While not targeted as a pro graphics tool, TypeStyler offers many pro-level features..."

Tech Night Owl

"October 15, 2009 - David Stillman, Patrick Nugent & David Biedny"

"David Stillman, of Strider Software, talks about the Mac OS X version of TypeStyler; Roxio product manager Patrick Nugent introduces Popcorn 4; Special Correspondent David Biedny aughs himself silly about those absurd Windows 7 house parties..."